Modified Rankin Scale Journal of Nursing

Assessing Clinical Outcomes at Discharge with the Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) for Burn Patients

Assessing Clinical Outcomes at Discharge with the Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) for Burn Patients

Tags: burn Burn Patients clinical Modified Rankin Scale outcome

Burn injury is a significant health problem that presents various challenges to the patient and healthcare providers. Each year in the United States, an estimated 486,000 burn injuries require medical attention, of which 40,000 require hospitalization (American Burn Association, 2016). Of these 40,000 around 30,000 are admitted to specialized burn centers, specializing in burn care and management. Statistics reveal that the common causes of burns are due to fire/flame at 43%, scalds 34%, contact 9%, electrical 4%, chemical 3%, and other 7%. (American Burn Association, 2016). The most common place of occurrence was in the home at 73%. Burns occur in children and adults, affecting 68% of males and 32% of females. Also reported by the American Burn Association (ABA) was a survival rate for all cases at 96.8% (2016). Furthermore, a reported survival rate of 96.8% for all cases by the ABA (2016), underscores the importance of comprehensive care for burn patients, which begins at the time of injury and extends throughout the rehabilitation process. An optimal outcome is achieved when the patient is reintegrated back into society at a functional preinjury level (Herndon, D. 2017).

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